• Image of Pigface: Lean Juicy Pork Limited Edition Release
  • Image of Pigface: Lean Juicy Pork Limited Edition Release

It seems completely bizarre to me that Pigface created an interview disc. Usually reserved for world-famous, heavy rock bands to speak about their intricate, amazing, difficult, chord progressions - and the challenges of being in a stadium rock band. We, however, were still trying to solidify verbalize, communicate, and clarify just exactly what Pigface actually was. I asked Jason Pettigrew to call everyone and talk to them about it. And if any clarity was gained, I think I might’ve fucked that up by juxtaposing sound effects over the top of some of the better interviews…

For instance as Bill Reiflin described Pigface and perhaps the most equipped to do so, I buried his words in the sounds of a barber shop, and hair clippers, close to the microphone.

I think the track Pool Hall is an attempt to involve Steve Albini, who was always in the pool hall. Later, consumed with poker, and of course, his studio - but we tried several times to call the pool hall to ask if see could come to the phone - and he wasn’t or wouldn’t

I think this disc was supposed to be paired with the Welcome to Mexico…Asshole album - which was also an attempt to illustrate the wobbling jello, melting mass that Pigface already was. On that album, I included several different versions of the same song so people might understand more, what the fuck we were doing and that everything was different every night.

I don’t know that we understand it any better now. As the Museum continues to delve into the boxes of materials here, this felt like an interesting release, and a great way to continue to raise money for the Museum - and thanks a lot for you help and support (of the Museum AND Pigface!!)!


Get yours out of an issue of 300 total!
The cover reacts under a black light - all orders come with a black light! Signed and numbered

Lean Juicy Pork was a promotional interview CD from Pigface, issued in 1991, as a companion to Welcome to Mexico…Asshole. It mainly features members of Pigface discussing what being in the band means to them. The album consists of interviews and a few remixes of “live” versions of songs.

Track List:
1. Nivek Ogre
2. Suck
3. Martin Atkins #1
4. William Tucker
5. Matt Shultz
6. En Esch
7. Collaborama
8. Bill Rieflin
9. Tonight’s the Night (Little Sisters Remix)
10. Image of Red Cut in Half
11. Chris Connelly
12. Ogre Bleeped
13. Beneath My Feet
14. Martin Atkins #2
15. William Tucker Bleeped
16. Bushmaster
17. Pool Hall Remix


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