• Image of Band:Smart Success In The Music Business On Your Own Terms.
  • Image of Band:Smart Success In The Music Business On Your Own Terms.
  • Image of Band:Smart Success In The Music Business On Your Own Terms.
  • Image of Band:Smart Success In The Music Business On Your Own Terms.
  • Image of Band:Smart Success In The Music Business On Your Own Terms.

Why Band:Smart?

Why, another book about ‘making it!’ ?

Well, this isn’t about that, really, it’s about redefining the whole idea of success on your own terms and perhaps a more definite route to get to wherever it is that you want to or can.

I’ve spent several years working on this, colliding with over 160 wonderful people and imposing on them to share their insights and experience across over 600 glorious pages – from Wendy Day to Benji Rodgers, George Massenburg to Gerry Gerrard to Shannon Curtis to Aerial Hyatt to Gaelynn Lea to Tom Jackson on stage tips, to social media marketing nutcases to a psychoanalyst or just random amazing people I’ve been on panels with, sat in on events with or insights I’ve tried, stumbled across and managed to write down before I forgot.

From crowdfunding to success, from labels to DIY, contracts, marketing, studios, producers, managers, distribution, people, marketing strategies, booking, agents, band names, stage craft and all of the stuff you’d expect and some of the stuff you wouldn’t.

Is it a step by step guide? ….nope
Does it tell you everything you’ll need to know? – probably not actually but I think It’ll help get your head on straight and whatever the prevailing trends or newest platforms that have been developed in the amount of time it has taken you to read this – then develop a mind set that will be useful to you in dealing with your future as it unrolls like a giant red carpet in front of you.

There’s a chapter that shows you how to make an extra 100k in the next 12 months (or the 12 months after that) but, you’ll learn as you go through this that its about friendships and relationships never $ - if you can let go of all of that shit – you might actually make some money. If you actually let go of the idea of getting a deal and work to build your own business – then you might get one! – and realize that it’s the last thing you really need.

If you like the way I express myself, candidly, directly and to the point with a bit of bad language and some interesting pictures – then this is for you.
I hear about old battered copies of Tour:Smart still bouncing around in rehearsal rooms and somewhere in a touring van after years of abuse – I very much hope that in a few years this will be one of those too.


  • Band:Smart
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